Sunday, July 11, 2010

"You do drink don't you?" "Of course. I just said I was a writer."

So. I saw Eclipse on Wednesday. Better than the 1st and 2nd, but I still hate the whole series. Bella and Edward were as annoying as ever with their dialogue. I truly realized how annoying Edward is when he wasn't present during most of New Moon. Absence can not only make the heart grow fonder, it can make you realize how annoying a person is.

I appreciated the hot werewolves and--finally--the fighting. And, like Myra McEntire said in one her youtube videos, the Cullens actually spoke in this movie!

Erm, I don't think I've got anything else to add. Except maybe that considering how bad Breaking Dawn was, Eclipse might be the best movie out of the 4/5 (because of that whole two part thing).

Moving on to more interesting things...


I was behind on my goal for a long time and finally, I've almost caught up. Just 490 words left. Here's what the word count for the past few days looks like:

Monday 70
Tuesday 444
Wednesday 434
Thursday 920
Friday 828
Saturday 142

Now I'm not done for today--I'd like to at least reach 250 words. It'd be a pity to fail now after the success I've had since Tuesday.

Total word count for now: 35161.

Chapter 18: 1808.

Fact: Chapter 17, which is only 1751 words, took me 15 days to write.


I started watching 1408, but stopped because it is too freaky to watch at night. And what made me want to watch the movie? The words "writer" and "John Cusack" on the back of the DVD cover. I'd seen John Cusack in "Stand By Me", but didn't find him hot. I saw him in 2012 and melted. Yummy.

As my sister knows, I have a thing for blondes (Spike from Buffy and a thousand others) but if there's an actor or character in a book I like, and he's not blonde, then he's got dark hair. Like Michael Madsen in "Reservoir Dogs." *sigh* Or Rob Lowe. And how could I forget Kiefer Sutherland in "The Lost Boys" and "Stand By Me."

That's the annoying thing about watching movies from the eighties--all those hot guys are in their forties or fifties now.


So. My dad said it was a classic. Really good. Somewhere else I read it's a cult movie.

Honestly, I was disappointed. Slow, not that much happens really. Now I don't hate all slow movies. I mean Alien was REALLY slow, but I loved it. But stuff happened.


Erica said...

Haha, you're right--Edward can be so annoying. I saw Eclipse last week and I'm glad they finally put some action in it. It was better than Twilight, but just as terribly dramatic as New Moon. D=

kayleigh'skaleidoscope said...

And everyone just KNOWS Breaking Dawn will be a disaster...

Erica said...

Hm...well maybe since it's divided into 2 parts, it'll be better. Although I doubt it since Breaking Dawn's pretty much the worst one in the series.

I was on YouTube the other day and I found this interesting video about a guy named Alex Day who reads chapters from Twilight...while mocking it. He pointed out some flaws I didn't even notice, and the videos are hilarious xD

kayleigh'skaleidoscope said...

I've already watched a couple of his videos. He's awesome.