Tuesday, July 27, 2010

England: A trip into London

a.k.a HELL!

Well, okay, London itself isn't really hell, it's more the fact that I spent about 7 hours there with my family.

We took the train at twenty to two in the afternoon and the first shop we went into was a South African one. We bought biltong there. Delicious, wonderful biltong. Last time we had any was in The Netherlands, 3 years ago!

Our first official stop was at the Natural History Museum. We had to queue for fifteen minutes just to get INTO the damn museum. Then we had a look at some of the things on display in the hall before finding out we had to queue to see the dinosaur exhibition, the big one.

Oh, and we hadn't eaten lunch. So by the end of THAT, we were hungry and our feet were hurting.

After lunch in a Chinese place, where I found out I had the ability to use chopsticks properly, we went to Hamleys, the biggest toy shop in Europe. It was HELL for me.

Trafalgar Square: we climbed on one of the lions and our dad took a picture. I have a slight fear of heights, so that was only slightly scary.

And, the highlight of my day, Foyles. The bestest ever bookshop I've EVER been to. Yes, I am aware that is a bad sentence, but who cares. Not me.

Okay, so by the time we got to Foyles (it took us quite some time--got lost, arguing, sore feet), I was too exhausted to look at the books. I sat down half a minute then thought "Fuck it" and began looking at all the wonderful books!

One thing you should know about Foyles: it's a maze. Seriously. I kinda got lost in that place. But somehow, by just wandering around, I ended up in the Fantasy section, then Paranormal Romance, then Teen Noir, so all was good.

The books I got?

  1. Thinner by Stephen King
  2. Christine by Stephen King
  3. Liar by Justine Larbalestier
  4. The Dust of 100 dogs by A.S. King
  5. The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance (which has a short story by Rachel Vincent=reason I bought it)
  6. Beauty and The Beast by Robin McKinley
  7. The Carbon Diaries: 2017 by Saci Lloyd.

Oh, we also bought tickets for "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert", the musical. We're going to see it tomorrow night. And tomorrow around 1 pm, I'm getting a haircut.

That's why today, Tuesday, is a relaxing day indoors.


Sunday: 261

Monday: 7

So far today: 0



So I'm writing chapter 20 and I have no idea where the characters will take me.

However, I know, more or less, what chapters 21 and 22 will be about:

  • A trial,
  • sadness, and
  • the last time we ever see characters L and J.

But who knows, things could change. Character M was SUPPOSED to be evil, and she turned out to be really kind.

I've also got a bit of problem with the timeline. And an idea just hit me. It's perfect.

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