Friday, June 18, 2010

"Why don't you rip her lungs out? It might make an impression."

From "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered" [2.16]

  • Angelus: Dear Buffy. I'm still trying to decide the best way to send my regards.
  • Spike: Why don't you rip her lungs out? It might make an impression.
  • Angelus: Lacks... poetry.
  • Spike: It doesn't have to. What rhymes with lungs?
  • Drusilla: Don't worry, Spike. Angel always knows...what speaks to a girl's heart.


And on with the post.

I underestimated my novel

See, when I started "Playing with Darts" I had only a vague idea. I knew it'd be about a vampire hunter who uses silver darts (so far she's only used them once), a bunch of vampires who were actually evil, Anne, a young teen who gets kidnapped by said evil vampires along with a hundred or so other teens, Maeve, a newborn vampire, and Fabienne, an old vampires who wants to be her mentor.

I knew I wanted it to be 75 000 words long, because my longest piece of work is 50 900 words.

Now 75k seems laughable. I'm probably going to end up with 90k at the rate I'm going. I'm not complaining, oh no, on the contrary. I'd love to have a 90k novel. The problem? How the hell am I going to do it?

In December I outlined the novel from start to finish. 50 chapters. 75k. That was my plan, my goal. Now I have to re-outline it because despite some writers thinking that an outline takes away the surprises, I've had plenty and my outline is no longer correct.

I also underestimated myself. I never thought I could write such a complex novel and pull it off.

Okay, fine, I admit: so far it's going very well and nobody else has read it, so I don't know if other people can follow it without being confused.

And now a teaser:

William put his hand under her chin and lifted her head. “You can save lives. There are about ninety teens stuck in a dungeon in Vladislav’s mansion. They need to be saved and all the hunters in this mansion may be great hunters, but they are still human. Just think how much having two vampires on their side can help?”

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Erica said...

Well, it looks like I've stumbled across your blog xD

And I love the Buffy reference! I love your excerpt as well. It kinda makes me wish that it's a real book...and you know, go butt kicking vampires ;)

kayleigh'skaleidoscope said...

Thanks! :) And I'm thinking of publishing it on fictionpress when I'm done, so you could read it then.


PS: My sister and I think Buffy is the best TV show ever. When I said I loved True Blood more than Skins and Desperate Housewives she said "Don't you dare say more than--" And I cut her off with "Of course not!"