Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In which I fail

Now remember, my goal is to write 250 words every single day. Minimum.

Sunday I wrote 102 words.
Monday I wrote 16 words.
So far today I've written 16 words. (But it's only twenty to 4 in the afternoon.)

My goal for today is to write 632 words. *dreams of writing 1k a day* That'd be heaven...

Total for the moment: 31 345/75 000

I have weird dreams

Seriously. I don't even know where to begin. Okay, actually I do know where to begin, but how on earth do I explain it?

I was in this... balloon. A donut-shaped balloon, where you had to walk to make it turn to reach the different shops in it. That probably makes no sense, but I don't know how to explain it better. Then there was a naked vampire woman and a bunch of people riding on bikes at night andsome other weird things... Very strange.

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